Monday, February 16, 2009

sore sore and sore

I can handle soreness from playing soccer but not lifting weights.  To me I have tried lifting the weights I always end up sore for like two weeks.  So I am slowing redeming myself.  Although, to be a honset critic, I think I currently suck.  My mind is else where when I touch the ball at times.  This week should be my week. 


Saturday, February 14, 2009

they did not start off as standards

My withdrawal from various activities, people, anything, and etc. The withdrawals did not start off as some type of standard.  They began as my geniue desire to want more. More of what? More of the Lord. The various activities, people, anything, and etc. did not provide the more for me.  My actions never in any sense deman the various activities, people, anything etc... They simply never give me the more. More of what? More of Christ.  

I need to; We need to beware of a false sense of security. Security in money, friendships, job, etc.  At the end of the day the only thing left is Christ. This is not something I can tackle on with my on brain and thought processes. Proverbs 3:5-6


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

i gave a stranger tissue paper

Just as the title reads. As I was walking by I saw the person crying while on the phone. So I walked to the bathroom, I was already headed there, and took some tissue paper and gave it to the stranger when I left.

I hope that act relieved whatever pain was causing the crying at the time. It had to. Even if it was for two seconds. The world can be a heavy place at times. Especially when, I as a child of God, decide to forget to leave things within the hands of God. Even more for a person that does not have the knowledge of the peace that the Lord provides.

Monday, February 9, 2009

the world

Lots of things pass and go with out a beat. We truly are nothing but a flame.