Monday, January 26, 2009

Personal Website

Its a great idea.  A good friend of my as put me onto this.  When people google me and encounter the various things that are listed on the web my site should be at the top of list. The current thoughts of a layout would be a entry potral displaying my work/porfolio along with a personal side ie. blog just like this one. So this is a goal for the end of the year. Lets see......... so I just entered the task into planner.  

To begin July 1. Due date Aug. 20. 


Defining Self

This is going to take some time.  I will unfortunately need to make changes to get a clearer definition

"In this “new era of responsibility” it will be important for you to be consciously aware of what you love and don’t love. It allows for clarity and focus. It allows you not to waste time on people, events, circumstances and situations that are not deserving of you.It allows you to throw out what doesn’t work, trusting in faith that what does and will work will appear.  To engage in an activity, a pursuit on a regular basis requires discipline. To stay on a journey, requires heart. It helps if that journey is supported by a foundation of love, of your passions, by the things, people, ideas and things that move you in a special way, even if no else really cares. It’s important to be aware of your likes and dislikes are. You learn to accomplish more with less. Your passions can and will be expressed, even in subtle ways in your personal style." by Ayo

Being laid off was a good thing. I could even say the best thing. Although, I was quite fully prepared... weirdly prepared through the Lord's grace its scary and exciting all at the same time. The world is before. 

Maybe I will teach english in Japan for a year. :-D


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

"Barack O-bottom"

I did not come up with the name. A kid under the age of five years old did. He was part of blog where a mother discussed the adventures of her 3 sons and herself. So I am busted. I did what I do best when I come to blog. I click the 'next blog' button and glanced through random blogs.

I was looking for a particular subject matter this time. So out of approx. twenty five blogs six of them had some related content. The new president. America once again makes a peaceful transition of power despite other disagreements. May the Lord guide him.

Now for more important matters. So the background changed a little. Technically issues and laziness lead to a white background. Works out quite well though. Go here to view the final results. This site is great. Now instead of paper portfolios I can send a digital one. Yeah!! Honestly this is exciting. I do not have the time or skills to a develop and manage a portfolio website so this is the next best thing. I will probably start doing this for quite a few things. 

The layoff. I am enjoying. I have no work at the moment. It has been quite a while since I have not work. Almost a decade. I still have plenty of other things to do though.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My background.

So I developed this background to be a continuous theme for each slide. I am not fully bought on the thin black strip at the top, but something says to keep it. So keep it I will. I will see what my critics say about it later.

I am not sure what sure what the thought process that exactly lead to the development of it. My best guess; I want to say it began with the concept that I wanted the primary text to be located in the lower part of the layout. I wanted the overall width and height to be a landscape and not a square. That about it. My mind kept moving from there.


© 2009 namanis

I was laid off.

It was an interesting feeling. I felt no sadness, anger, or any of the above. 
So this is what the peace of the Lord feels like. Wow. More details to come.

My time is running oh so short on the project for this scholarhip. I was
documenting my progress on, but I think I might move
it over here.

Time to post my blog out there. Go public. I have nothing to hide. :-D


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Another Thing. I like pictures.

So I am starting a daily photo blog as soon as I figure out how I want to publish it.

I have made a choice.


Growth in Christ and things relating.

This is ironic because it exactly the relates to the subtitle of the blog that I initial put and have not looked at till now.


Saturday, January 3, 2009


I think I will prefer a random subject selection on this blog. Last blog I started and deleted was centered around questions I had as I took on the task of reading through the Bible. Maybe I should go the same way instead of random burps. Let me think this out. 3 days into the new year so far.


Thursday, January 1, 2009

The World of Blogger

I am growing fond to this blogging. My favorite thing to do is hit the 'next blog' button at the top and see other people's blogs. I do not like the blogs that have changed the html to exculded 'next blog' button at the top.

So yeah I am going to go through random blogs and see others perspectives on the new year.


Welcome 2009

Well, 2009 is here. What a year. I am not quite sure what to say or think about it. My thoughts have change though. I do know that. But that is normal though with time and wisdom thoughts change about things. I do value the celebration more.

So I am trying to recall all the different things that happened through out the year. Major and minor things. I dislike the subject because it currently encompasses too much of my life, but yeah I started school back up after taking a semester off. In the process I drop the whole plan of a dual degree. Now I am pure architecture. It really should have been like that from the beginning. I would have been done by now. I would not change the way everything thing has happened though. The Lord is up to something with all that has happened to lead to the current place I am. Ok so I started back on path of architect-dom.

I was able to relocate offices also. I was wondering how I was going to pull off being full time and take studio classes. So the Lord handles it. Moves me to a office that is 2 blocks away from the school. To add to it gives me a boss that is all supportive and gives me the flexibility to set a schedule of work around school. Lovely. Just lovely.

I was able to save build a savings through automatic withdrawal. I am surprised. The goal to be able to save the same amount I pay in taxes each year.

The rest will continue as I remember.

Happy New Year.
